Ex-Con Alpha Read online

Page 10

  “Please retrieve my things from my trailer and meet us at the car,” she barked.

  Bob looked stricken. Whether it was because he had been relegated to fetch duty or the fact that the woman he was sexing up on the down-low was bare-assed naked and strutting through an entire film location to her car, wasn’t clear. Travis was just having a tough time not laughing at this point.

  By the time they arrived at the car, he was decidedly less amused. Her little tantrum back there was going to cost him this job. So much for being on the way up and out of the mess that had landed him in prison. What a load of crap. He sat in the front seat by the driver and scowled, Vivianne naked and crying in the back. Bob couldn’t handle that carnage.

  Where was he? It was taking too long. Feeling like he was being selfish, Travis slipped off his coat and passed it over the back seat to Vivianne.

  “Here, put this on until Bob can get back with your clothes,” he told her.

  “Thank you,” she sniffled, taking the jacket and slipping it over her front rather than putting it on.

  The driver passed her some tissues and she slowly gathered herself. After what felt like an eternity, Bob returned with her clothes and bag. He held up Travis’s coat in front of her while she got dressed and then passed it back.

  “Thank you, Travis,” he said on her behalf.

  “No problem,” Travis replied.

  “Let’s get out of here. The other guards are in the back car just waiting for us to roll out,” Bob said.

  There was complete silence in the car as they returned to the hotel. He was about to lose his job, but at least maybe he’d have the day free to help Kat finish what they’d already started. He wasn’t surprised in the least to be called to Vivianne’s room before he’d even had a chance to check on Kat.

  “I need to have a talk with everyone,” she said, perhaps as demure as he’d ever seen her.

  So, this was it. The firing. He wanted to skip the fanfare and go on his way but Bob nudged him along, and he joined them in her suite. Of course, as he stood there thinking about it, she had mentioned she was there for another project, so perhaps he would be kept on for that.

  “Well, I got my panties in a bunch, I suppose. I could go back and plead for the director to overlook my outburst, but I won’t. I’ve had enough of this nonsense. So, I’m going to have to let you all go.”

  So much for being kept on. She was apparently going to fire the whole crew. It told him that it had all been vanity anyway. She’d known she had no need for a four-man entourage. It had just been her way of looking more important than she really was.

  “I wish you all good luck. Your rooms are paid through the end of the week if you wish to stay and make use of them, and you’ll be bought out, per your contracts,” she continued. “Thanks for all of your help.”

  With that, she turned and disappeared into the adjoining room behind them, and Bob walked the three of them to the door. The two others were bound for the bar, but he declined. His side was sore, and he was annoyed. He wanted nothing more than to check on Kat and maybe climb back into bed for some much-needed rest. Bob stopped him out in the hallway to talk for a moment.

  “Thank you for what you did for her in the car. It may not seem like it to you, but she’s not a monster. She’s been through a lot lately.”

  “We all go through things. You have to suck it up sometimes when other people’s livelihoods rest in your hands,” Travis replied, unmoved.

  “My guys will be fine. They have great references and will move right on to another contract with a tidy severance package from her. Your contract will buy you out per the liability clause. You should be happy. Your contract was negotiated in your favor. Getting canned was the best thing that could have happened to you.”

  Travis had no idea what he was talking about. He still hadn’t read the contract, despite telling himself he needed to do so.

  “As for me, I’ll stay with her and take care of her while she finishes the next five months here.”

  “Yeah, I don’t get that. If she has another project, why does she not need us on it?”

  “She intended to be the belle about town. Sort of one last hurrah before she goes out. There is no project, just her flitting about town seeing the sights and sucking up the accolades for wanting to hang around and enjoy the sights after coming off a local film.”

  “Goes out? She’s retiring?”

  “No. She’s dying, man. Advanced ovarian cancer. They’ve done everything they could to stop it, and now, it’s just a matter of time. That’s why she acted like she did storming off set. She’s tired, and it was draining the last of her energy only to be able to get a job on some hack em up horror story running around in her underwear.”

  “I’m sorry, Bob. Listen, I don’t know what the story is between you, but you obviously care about her. This must be tough for both of you.”

  “It is. She’s the love of my life. I’ve been with her since she did her first movie twenty years ago. She was barely eighteen, and I was twenty. We’ve been inseparable since then. We got married fifteen years ago at a cheesy wedding chapel in Vegas while she was filming there. She’s my heart, and I don’t know what I’m going to do without her.”

  “Wow. I had no idea, Bob.”

  “I trust you to keep that in confidence, all of this. I guess I just needed to talk to someone myself.”

  “I can understand that. Secrets are hard things to keep for so long and losing your love ... I just don’t have the words.”

  “Thanks. I’ll let you get on with things then. Hopefully, you’ll choose to hang around and maybe have dinner with us every once in a while during our stay. She chose here because she wanted away from the glitz and glam, somewhere that she could walk down the street unnoticed when she starts to ... not be herself.”

  Bob’s voice cracked a bit as he spoke the last words; tears threatened to spill from the corners of his eyes. Travis pulled him into a half hug and said goodbye, leaving him to regain his composure and maintain his dignity in the hallway before returning to Vivianne’s room.

  Letting himself into his room with his second key, he was surprised to find that Kat wasn’t there. Fishing out his phone, he dialed he number, getting voicemail instead of an answer. His phone dinged with a message before he even had it. It was Kat telling him she was getting the money and would be back soon.

  He wondered where she was getting it from and hoping she hadn’t truly had to put up her house as collateral for it as she had said. While he was waiting for her, he fished out his contract and sat down to read through it. A lot of it was just legal speak telling him the consequences for breaking confidentiality and laying out the terms of the agreement. He scanned down through it until he got to a part that listed separation terms and began to read.

  “Fuck me,” he said aloud.

  The contract stipulated that if his employment ended due to reasons which were no fault of his own, he would be paid out his full wages for the six months, plus severance pay equal to twenty percent of his wages. He was literally making money off being canned.

  He sat back and just contemplated this for a moment. Not only did it mean he could get started now on his dreams for the future, but he could help Kat without her having to put her house or anything else up as collateral. Of course, he was probably too late for that, and she might not accept his help, but it felt good to at least be in a position to offer the assistance.

  A part of him felt guilty about profiting from Vivianne’s peril, but none of this had been his decision. She’d set up the contract, and she’d decided to end it. Still, he felt like he owed her something and, despite being no longer in her employ, decided he would take the time to show her some of the lesser-known spots in the area while she was still able to get out and see them.

  For now, he was still a bit tired from his injuries and lack of sleep. He decided to snooze for a bit while he waited on Kat. He sent her a text and just told her he was done early and was going to
lie down. After a few minutes, he got a response from her that she would be a while longer and to get some rest. She didn’t have to tell him twice.



  “Mom, I really appreciate this.”

  “Don’t thank me. It’s your father’s money.”

  Kat nodded as they stood at the bank officer’s desk, waiting for the transfer of funds from her father’s backup savings account to her own. It was technically money that would have gone to Mike’s education, but he’d elected to skip college to become an “entrepreneur.”

  “Your father isn’t happy with any of this. He’d hoped Mike would get himself together and go to college once he settled down, but there is just no sign of that happening. Handing over money he had saved for him to go to college is like accepting defeat for him.”

  “I know, Mom.”

  “We could have left it there and just waited to see what might happen with him, but I think this is better. It is better in your hands. I know you will do what is right by Mike. Your father is too stubborn to make the call. You saw that.”

  Something occurred to Kat that she hadn’t considered. She looked at her mom, taking in her shaking hands and the way she was absently biting her lip as they waited.

  “Dad doesn’t know about this, does he, Mom?”

  Her mother looked at her, some sort of debate playing out behind her eyes before she answered. Finally, she spoke.

  “This is as much my money as it is your father’s. I helped him build a home and provided him with children without asking for very much in return other than that he take care of us. Mike is my son too. I won’t have him harmed for making some mistakes.”

  “That’s what the extra money is for then,” Kat replied.

  “Yes. I’m giving you enough money to pay his debts and send him to rehab. He might not stay. He might not go at all, but I will at least know I tried to save him.”

  “Dad is going to be furious with you.”

  “Yes. He will be.”

  “Are you sure you want to do this, Mom?”

  “I’m positive. Your father has been talking for some time about taking the money out anyway. He wants to use it to take a vacation or maybe put in a pool.”

  “Those sound like things you would like too, Mom,” Kat replied.

  “I’ll never have any joy knowing I used money that could have saved your brother just to do something frivolous while he suffered whatever befalls him.”

  “Okay, Mom. I promise I will take care of it and use it wisely.”

  “I know you will. I will tell your father about this later. Not today. Maybe not even tomorrow. He won’t look for it anytime soon, and I want to make sure Mike is in the clear before he has anything to say about how I chose to spend it.”

  “I’ll leave that up to you. Right now, I don’t know what is up with Mike. Travis and his pack took him somewhere to keep him safe.”

  “But he was okay, right? They didn’t hurt him? The bears, I mean.”

  “They banged him up a bit, but nothing major. He’ll be fine. Maybe they at least knocked some sense into him.”

  “I hope so. If nothing else comes of it, perhaps it will drive him to get some help.”

  “Let’s hope so.”

  “Alright, ladies. Here we go. Per your instructions, I’ve withdrawn $30,000 in cash from the joint account you share with Mr. Harper and made a completely separate transaction to deposit it into the account of Katerina.”

  “And Mr. Harper will not be able to move that money back into our account, right?”

  “No, ma’am. You are a joint owner of the debited account, so there is no reason you can’t make this transaction, and he is not on Katerina’s account, so he has no access to it. Plus, we won’t be at liberty to give him any information about the money other than that you withdrew it.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Is there anything else we can do for you today?”

  “No. I think we’re all set,” Mrs. Harper replied.

  He handed them each receipts for their transaction and wished them well. Kat couldn’t imagine what he must be thinking right now. It was pretty obvious that they were doing this without the consent of her father, but as long as they weren’t breaking any laws, there was very little he could say about it.

  She was tempted to pull out the amount she needed to pay off Mike’s loan, but it was a lot of money to have around the house. For now, she was just glad to know she could lay her hands on it fairly quickly if necessary. With this sorted out, her mother drove her back to the hotel and dropped her off.

  Slipping quietly into the room, she found Travis still asleep on the bed. She undressed and slipped into it next to him, curling up against his back. He stirred a bit but didn’t seem to wake up. Wolves were noted for their keen awareness of their surroundings, but he likely smelled her and sensed no danger, so continued to sleep.

  He woke her up an hour later, shifting to face her and kissing her softly on the side of her neck. A shiver ran down her spine as he placed a soft bite just behind her ear and continued nibbling his way down across her shoulder. Her body responded, the rut still very much in control of her libido.

  She was wet already, her body preparing for what was to come. Travis didn’t waste much time on foreplay, slipping into her from behind and filling her pussy with his massive cock. She could feel his girth pushing her apart, dividing her as he pumped in and out of her aching center.

  She wondered what it felt like with him when she wasn’t in rut; was it this powerful? Was the intensity so much that she could think of nothing else but him inside of her? There was no sense to any of it. They’d not even talked about birth control since the original incident. There was something primal about their coupling. It wasn’t just about sex; it was about mating. It was about so much more than just the act of fucking. The reasonable part of her wasn’t ready to have children, but the rut skewed that perspective. Her body wanted to be pregnant. It was as if it were out of her control from a mental standpoint.

  When he came inside of her, it was if she could literally feel her uterus contract, trying to drink in his seed. Her body wanted his sperm to fill her up, wanted him to put babies inside of her as if she were incomplete without them. She craved his virility, his strength. Each stroke filled her with an insane need to have more of him, to fuck him again and again until she was carrying a part of him inside of her. It was crazy, and yet, she couldn’t help herself.

  His hands covered her breasts, kneading them as he pushed into her and slipped almost free again. Her legs shook as she came, flooding her thighs so many times that she lost count as she bit the pillow to keep from screaming with a mixture of pleasure and pain. Lying like this, with her legs closed, made her even tighter against his massive tool. It was almost unbearable as he took her from behind.

  The mixture of pleasure with pain sent her into overdrive. The more he gave her, the more she wanted. He could be gentle. She loved the slow way he kissed her, the way he seemed to enjoy just exploring her skin with his hands and his mouth. The simple truth was that, as strange and quick as it might sound, she loved him.

  Her body tensed, building up to the explosion that would result from his continued pumping of her sensitive pussy, still swollen and sore from their first night together. It was somehow exhilarating to walk around on wobbly legs, having little physical flashbacks of how he felt inside of her. There was something magical about the way she longed for him whenever she wasn’t in his arms.

  She could feel his knot forming again, pushing apart her center as he prepared to come inside of her. His hips thrust forward, and he let out a loud groan, perhaps just as much from his still-recovering injury as it was from his climax. She felt the warm flood fill her, seeping into her womb where it might or might not pierce into her fertility. His arms wrapped tighter around her as they lay there, locked together as one, and she decided to take the chance to say what she felt.

“I love you, Travis.”

  “I love you too, Kat,” he replied without a moment’s hesitation.

  She smiled against the pillow, drifting back off to sleep with him still inside her soaked pussy. This was good. This was the right thing. There was not a doubt in her mind that they would spend eternity together, making love at every opportunity.



  “You ready to go see Mike?” Travis asked her when they woke up later, after a quick call to his pack buddies.

  “I am,” she replied.

  “Alright, let’s get dressed and head that way,” he replied, throwing off the covers and standing up to stretch.

  Kat lay on her side and smiled up at him. He was so beautiful with his tanned skin and colorful tattoos that caressed his body. She was a lucky girl.

  “Have they heard anything from the bears?”

  “No, nothing yet. Word is that it was a section of the pack that had gone rogue even for the kind of shit those guys get into. I think we did them a favor by taking them out.”

  “I hope so. If that’s true, perhaps this is over.”

  “I sure hope so. I don’t care to be in a war with bears, but at least they know we aren’t scared to come for our own.”

  “Mike isn’t your own, though. Your pack stepped in for him when my pack wouldn’t have.”

  “As long as Mike is a part of your life, he is a part of mine. My pack owes me. This was their down payment.”

  “Owes you for what?”

  Travis sighed. This was as good a time as any. The rut would pass within the day, and she would be able to think a little more clearly. She would be able to make a choice about him without it being clouded by her body’s need for his. The best way was just to spit it out.

  “I was in prison.”

  Kat’s eyes widened, but she said nothing for a moment. Finally, she managed two words.

  “For what?”

  “Gun running. Some of the guys in my pack decided it was a promising idea to make some money selling untraceable guns to some local thugs. It made money, but it wasn’t a good idea, and I got busted for it.”