Dragon Weyr's Omega (Nanny Shifter Service Book 7) Page 5
Nervous tension built in Jessie’s stomach as she and the girls cleaned off the plates and loaded them into the dishwasher. She knew that, right now, her fate was being decided by the guys.
Once they were all done, she heard the men come back into the apartment. Jessie led the girls back into the living room, where Samuel, Jonas, and Rick were waiting for her.
“Hey, girls,” said Samuel. “Why don’t you go with Papa Rick and Papa Jonas and get your rooms cleaned?”
The girls made some noises that showed they weren’t too happy about this. But the guys led them out of the living room all the same. Soon, it was just Jessie and Samuel.
A few moments passed, and he spoke.
“The job’s yours, if you want it.”
Samuel prepared some coffee for Jessie and him, and the two of them were seated at a table on the huge balcony of the apartment. The city was spread out all around them, the towers of Manhattan brilliant in the mid-day sun.
“So,” he said, raising his coffee cup to his mouth. “What do you think? You want to be our nanny?”
There it was – Jessie realized that the job was hers for the taking. She felt overwhelmed and thrilled and nervous all at once.
Before she could give a response, however, a look flashed on Samuel’s face as if he’d just realized something that he’d forgotten to mention.
“There is something else about the job that you ought to know about,” he said.
“What’s that?” asked Jessie.
“The other guys and I do our best to stay out of the shifter world as best we can. But you know how it is – power plays are constantly happening, and there are always shifters looking to take whatever advantage they see. And three dragon girls might be too tempting a target for some shifters to pass up.”
“You mean...,” said Jessie, “someone might try to take the girls?”
He raised his palms.
“I don’t want to scare you,” he said. “Like I said, we do our best to make sure the other species and dragons stay off our backs. And very few shifters are interested in tangling with three alphas. But you’re a shifter too – you know how it can be.”
She nodded.
“You’re right,” she said. “I’ve...been living with a human for a long time, so getting back to how the shifter societies work is going to be somewhat of an adjustment.”
“You lived with a human?” he asked.
But then he checked himself.
“That’s really none of my business,” he said. “Sorry for intruding.”
“It’s fine,” said Jessie. “And it’s over now.”
“I see,” said Samuel.
Jessie wondered what he was thinking at that moment, if the fact that she was an unattached omega was giving him...ideas.
“Anyway,” he went on, “there are three of us, and even an omega like yourself is more than a match for any wolf or bear that might give you trouble.”
Fear crept through Jessie. Fighting and conflict was part of being a shifter – she knew this all too well. And it was what she’d hoped to leave behind forever when she began seeing Boyd. But now she was back in the shifter society, with all the dangers that came with it. However, she’d known, deep down, that she couldn’t hide from what she was forever. As long as she’d dated Boyd, as long as she’d been friends with humans, she still couldn’t be something she wasn’t.
“But,” said Samuel, leaning in and speaking in a serious tone. “I swear that the other alphas and I will do everything we can to make sure that you and the girls stay safe. As long as you’d be living here, you’d be one of our pack.”
She could tell that Samuel meant every last word of what he’d said.
“I...trust you,” she said.
She was surprised that she felt this way about dragons she’d only just met – after all, she knew next to nothing about them. But she didn’t have any doubt that they’d protect their girls.
“So, does that mean you’re interested in the job?”
Jessie knew that if she wanted to back out, this was her chance. But she knew what she wanted. And she knew it wasn’t as though she had any choice – if she were to say “no” to this offer, she’d be right back at square one, living with nothing to her name, hoping for whatever job might come her way.
Sure, this would mean she was back in the shifter world that she’d tried so hard to get away from. But Jessie felt like it was time. No more running.
“Yes,” she said. “I want the job.”
A sexy smile formed on Samuel’s lips.
“Great,” he said, clasping his hands together. “Perfect. I could tell that you and the girls are going to get along wonderfully, and I can’t wait for you all to get to know each other better.”
“I have a question, though,” said Jessie.
“Of course,” said Samuel.
“You’re all firefighters, right?”
He nodded.
“We are. I know it’s a strange line of work for dragons, alphas especially, but it’s what we do.”
Jessie could tell that there was something more to why these men were all in this line of work, but she didn’t want to pry.
“Does that mean you’ll all be living at your station? Do they...know you’re dragons?”
“Yes, and no,” he said.
He folded his hands on his lap.
“We have different shifts at the station. Sometimes one of us, sometimes two, sometimes all. But...well, you can imagine that being a dragon has certain...advantages when working as a firefighter.”
“Right,” said Jessie. “Being invincible to fire being one of them.”
Jessie thought back to a time when she was living with Boyd, when she was speaking to him in the kitchen. She’d been leaning back, her hand resting on what she’d thought was the countertop. She remembered the look in Boyd’s eyes as they spoke, that surprised-beyond-belief expression.
When she turned around, she realized why – she’d been resting her hand on a burner turned on “high,” carrying on and talking as though nothing was wrong. Jessie came up with some excuse about how the heat wasn’t actually on, but she could tell that Boyd knew that there was something strange about her.
“That’s right,” said Samuel. “It’s hard to keep hidden since it’s not like we can just waltz into the flames when the rest of the crew is around, but you know as well as any of us that keeping our shifter natures hidden is part of our world. And, as I’m sure you can guess, this means that our schedules are very irregular. We’ll do our best to keep you posted, but sometimes, that will be impossible – fires don’t exactly operate on a schedule.”
Jessie nodded in understanding.
“Let me show you to your room,” he said.
Samuel got up and Jessie followed him into the apartment. She still couldn’t get over how big the place was – it made Boyd’s townhome look cramped in comparison.
Samuel led her down one of the hallways. Eventually, they arrived at a bedroom door.
“You’ll be staying here,” he said. “The girls’ rooms are down the other hallway, and me and the guys are down the other. You’ll have plenty of privacy and peace and quiet.”
He opened the bedroom door, revealing a large but cozy room. The bed was a four-post with beautiful white sheets. The furniture looked handcrafted out of a gorgeous light wood. There was a small balcony, big enough for a two-person table, the view from it looking out onto the city.
It was perfect.
“Will this be suitable?” he asked.
“It’s wonderful,” she said.
“Excellent,” said Samuel. “And I can send for your things if you can give me your address.”
“That...won’t be necessary,” she said.
Samuel flashed her a curious expression, “What do you mean?”
“I don’t...really have anything,” she said. “Just a few odds and ends.”
“I see,” said
Jessie debated getting into her history with Boyd, letting Samuel know the important details. But it was all too fresh and painful to want to discuss.
“Then that makes your move in even easier,” he said. “Here, a few other things. Follow me.”
He led Jessie into the kitchen and opened up a drawer. He removed a gold credit card and a cell phone.
“These will both be yours as long as you’re living here,” he said. “The card is for whatever you need for yourself and the girls – within reason. And the phone will be taken care of by us, of course. We also have a few cars down in the garage that you’re welcome to use, just as long as you let us know beforehand.”
It was all so much.
“And you can give us your bank account information whenever, so we can start paying you directly.”
“Sure,” she said. “So, I’m starting tonight?”
“That’s right,” he said. “Unless you feel like you need the evening to get settled in.”
“No,” she said. “I’m ready to start.”
“Great,” he said. “Tonight, Jonas and I will be going to the station to work an overnight shift, along with the rest of tomorrow. So, it’ll just be you and Rick tonight.”
Jessie felt a tingle run through her body at the idea of being alone with Rick. She was equally attracted to all the men, but there was something very compelling about him. He was rough and muscular and manly – such a contrast to most dragons she’d known.
But she did her best to put those thoughts out of her head.
“The girls are with Rick and Jonas right now, so go ahead and relax in your room or wherever you like. Consider the next hour or so free time, so relax and make yourself feel at home. We’ll call you when we’re about to head out for the night.”
“Sounds good,” said Jessie.
Samuel flashed her one last killer smile, one that seemed to suggest there was more going on than just professional courtesy.
Jessie hurried through the apartment and down to her room, shutting the door behind her. Her heart pounded in her chest with excitement – she’d gotten a job, and an amazing one at that.
Phone in hand, she fired off a text to Kelsey, letting her know about her new number, and, of course, why she wouldn’t be coming back later tonight. A congratulatory text quickly arrived.
Jessie fell back on the bed, trying to calm down from all the excitement. She had a couple of hours to kill, and no idea what to do with herself.
She stretched out on the bed, closing her eyes and trying to relax. But as soon as her eyes shut, images filled her mind.
Images of Samuel. And Rick. And Jonas.
She could picture it all clear as day. The bedroom door opened, and the three men stepped inside.
“There she is,” said Samuel in his sensual, purring voice.
“The new girl,” said Rick, shutting the door behind him as he entered.
“Mhmm,” said Jonas. “Still getting settled in and comfortable.”
The three men formed up around her bed, Jessie’s chest rising and falling with anticipation.
“Guys,” said Samuel. “What do you say we make her feel really welcome?”
Rick smirked as he crossed his tattooed arms over his burly chest.
“I’d love to,” he said.
“Same here,” said Jonas, his blonde hair gorgeous and bright. “You guys have any idea of how to do that?”
“I’ve got a few ideas,” said Samuel.
Jessie felt her pussy clench in anticipation. Three men, all stunning, all drenched in pure alpha musk, were gathered around her bed, all looking her up and down with the same hungry eyes. She could feel their desire, feel their dragon lust building by the moment.
“Tell me what you want to do to me,” moaned Jessie as she rubbed her legs together. “Please.”
The men exchanged knowing looks.
“I think we’d rather show you,” said Samuel.
He undid the buttons of his shirt, revealing a beautiful, toned physique. He climbed onto the bed and positioned himself on top of Jessie. Then he leaned down and placed his hands on her breasts, rubbing them sensually through her shirt.
She felt her pussy grow wetter and wetter by the second. Rick pulled off his shirt, his chest broad and thick and tattooed. Jonas was next, stripping down and revealing a body that looked like it was carved out of marble.
Samuel undid the buttons of her shirt, revealing the white bra she wore underneath. He pulled down the cups, exposing her breasts and leaned in to suck and lick her nipples. The other men went to work on the rest of her clothes, stripping her more and more by the minute.
Soon, she was nude, each of the men attending to a different part of her body. Samuel kissed her deeply and passionately, Rick kneaded her breasts, and Jonas spread her legs slowly, exposing her soaking wet pussy.
“Now,” said Samuel. “The only thing you have to figure out is which cock you want first.”
At that moment, Jessie jolted into awareness. She was back in the real world, alone in her new bedroom. She glanced down and saw that her hand was slipped down the front of her pants, ready to bring her to orgasm.
She pulled her hand back, sat up, and shook her head.
She realized this situation was going to be very, very complicated.
Jessie prepared to settle in for her night with Rick and the girls. It was already well into the evening, so she figured that they wouldn’t be doing anything too crazy.
“Okay,” said Samuel as he stood near the apartment elevator, Jonas at his side, both men carrying a duffel bag over their backs. “We’re off. You guys need anything before we leave?”
Jessie was seated on the couch with Rick and the girls. The TV was playing a kid’s movie, and the girls were so entranced by it that they could hardly take their eyes away from the TV long enough to say goodbye.
“I think we’re good,” said Rick. “When you guys coming back?”
“Day after tomorrow morning,” said Jonas. “So, you five will have the run of the place until then.”
Jessie shifted in her seat. Just her and Rick and the girls. She did her best to push the images of her earlier fantasy out of her mind. Though the night was likely to be uneventful, she still knew she needed to make a good first impression.
“Okay,” said Jonas. “See you all later.”
The girls waved goodbye before turning their attention back to the screen.
“How much longer is this flick going to go on for?” asked Rick. “You guys need to start thinking about bed soon.”
“It’s almost done,” said Sarah, looking over her shoulder.
Rick turned to Jessie.
“If you would’ve told me five years ago that I’d be watching movies like this, I’d have said you were out of your damn mind.”
“Comes with the territory,” said Jessie.
“That’s right,” he said. “It’s the girls’ world – I just live in it.”
He leaned forward and mussed Sarah’s hair.
“Right, kiddo?” he asked.
“Hey!” said Sarah. “My hair’s all messed up now.”
“What, you got a date or something to go on?” he asked with a grin.
“Eww!” said Sarah. “No way.”
Rick chuckled.
Jessie watched Rick interact with the girls, noting that, despite how gruff and rough-around-the edges he seemed, he had an easy, friendly way with the kids.
And she couldn’t help but let her eyes track along his muscular arms, taking in the details of his many tattoos. She crossed her legs hard, trying to ignore how much she wanted his strong hands on her body.
The movie wrapped up and Jessie turned the TV off.
“Okay, girls,” she said, “bedtime.”
The girls made disappointed noises but all got up.
“We gave them a bath earlier, so they just need to get in their pajamas,” said Rick. “I’l
l clean up the living room if you want to take care of all that.”
“Sounds like a plan,” said Jessie.
She gathered up the kids and led them to their bedrooms. One by one, she got them dressed for bed and under the covers. When they were all tucked and ready for sleep, Jessie headed back to the living room where Rick was seated on the couch, a couple shots of what looked to be whiskey, along with two bottles of beer, on the coffee table in front of him.
“What’s going on there?” asked Jessie with a smile.
Rick flashed her a grin.
“Thought you could use a little something after your first day.”
Jessie plopped onto the couch next to Rick, her eyes locking onto the booze.
“Shot and a beer,” he said. “My drink of choice, especially when I was a young punk without three girls to worry about.”
Jessie lost herself for a moment in Rick’s delicious scent, his alpha nature calling out to her. Part of her wondered if she really ought to drink – she knew it might lead to her...losing control. Being an omega around three alphas was hard enough. Introducing booze into the equation seemed like asking for trouble.
But a little something to drink did sound pretty good, especially after the week she’d had. Rick reached forward and took the two shot glasses off the table, offering one to Jessie. He raised his eyebrows.
“Come on,” he said with a grin. “You know you want to.”
“Okay,” she said. “One shot and one beer and that’s it.”
“Atta girl,” he said.
She took the glass, being careful not to spill any of the amber-colored liquid onto what looked to be a very expensive couch.
“What’re we drinking to?” asked Jessie.
“How about...a productive working relationship?”
“Works for me,” said Jessie.
They touched the rims of their glasses and tossed back their shots. The booze burned on the way down and Jessie waved her hand in front of her face, as if she would be able to swat away the bad taste.
“Oh man,” she said, shaking her head. “Burns!”